Festival Belluard Bollwerk International


Amitesh Grover

(New Dehli)

Notes On Mourning

Live interview-performance

The tradition of oppari can still be found among the women of Tamil Nadu. They can be heard at funeral services and burials, lamenting the passing of the deceased through verse and song, which are replete with wordplay and heartfelt sentiment, often improvised and generally performed in return for some form of compensation. Amitesh Grover invites a professional mourner to perform on stage and to take part in a discussion with a young Tamil researcher. At play here is not only the retelling of a life story but the role of wailing as a legitimate act of remembrance and an expression of conflict. Is public mourning the ultimate form of resistance?

75 min
BBI Production
Tamil translated in French and in English
Arsen'Alt Salle Sud
  • Fri 24.6. 19:00 - 20:15
  • Sat 25.6. 19:00 - 20:15
  • Sun 26.6. 19:00 - 20:15
  • 15 CHF



Performers Jayalakshmi Gopalan, Arivazhagan Arumugam Direction Amitesh Grover Research, Dramaturgy Arnika Ahldag Language Interpreter (Tamil-English) Aprameya Manthena Sound Design Hemant Sreekumar Acknowledgement Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council India Production Belluard Bollwerk International

Sponsored by the Canton of Fribourg Cultural Promotion Fund and supported by Migros Culture Percentage, co-funder of the LIVING TRADITIONS call for projects

Presentation with the support of Fonds culturel Sud

© Shaunak Sen